Facing a big life decision?
Struggling with a persistent problem?
Feeling stuck and not sure how to get unstuck?
Just feeling a little "off" and like you could use a 'spiritual tune-up'?
A Psychic Rose Reading is a snapshot look at your energy field, and is a great way to get quick but powerful message insight and get back in the flow.
It's not prescriptive or predictive--rather, it's descriptive of the energy that is present and of the messages that your soul wishes to communicate to you at this time.
I take a look at your overall field,
In a reading, I tune into your energy field, take a look at your aura overall, see where energy is blocked most significantly, and help to get it flowing again.
I also ask for the most important messages Spirit wants to communicate and clarify the next-right steps for your own journey.
A reading can be helpful during periods of transition or decision-making, or to gain insight on a particular situation where you are feeling stuck or challenged. It can also be part of "spiritual tune-up", even if there's nothing major up for you right now.
These can focus on a specific question or area of life; or they can be a more general: “what do I need to know right now?”